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Joint Liverpool Schools Team


A party of schoolboys from the Lancashire and Cheshire sides of the river paid a visit to Holland in the autumn. The journey was made by ‘bus to Hull, then by the Melrose Abbey to Rotterdam-leaving Liverpool at 8-45 a.m., Saturday, October 26th and arriving on Sunday at 6 a.m. The party travelled by Army lorries and private car to Amsterdam, and were received by their hosts and brass-band at midnight! As one lorry broke down some missed the band! All boys stayed in private homes, the Catholics with Catholic families.

It was proposed to play four games : Lancashire v. Cheshire – which were to be demonstrations to the Dutch as to the feasibility of rugby for smaller boys. One match which was to have been played before the Dutch Army had to be cancelled owing to manoeuvres. Another at Rotterdam was abandoned owing to the early hour of embarking for the voyage home.

The game at Amsterdam was played before 4,000 schoolboys and Lancashire won 6 – 3, E.Johnston, the Edwardian scrum-half, scoring a try. The second game at Bussom was a draw, 3 – 3. 2,000 were present.

All enjoyed the visit, and on the social side it was a great success. The hosts were very kind and gave the visitors the best. They seem to have been captivated by some of the youngsters. All received mementoes of the trip.

The return voyage was made Tuesday-Wednesday, November 4th-5th, to Hull. Dense fog over the Pennines delayed the ‘bus on the journey to Liverpool – the Pier Head was reached in the early hours of Thursday, November 7th.

Eighteen boys from each side of the river made the trip, being chosen after a series of trials. Of the Liverpool contingent, four were from St.Edward’s, E Johnston, F.Keelan, R.Burns and P.Marron, the last-named being only eleven years.

see team photo for a few names, please help if you know any more.